My Friend, Mentor, Photographer
& All-Around Kewl Guy
Craig Milburn
One of my favorite visual artists is Craig Milburn, who has been a friend and mentor for many years. Craig’s specialty in photography is black and white images of children. He is a true portrait artist with a camera.
Perkins Portrait
St Louis Museum
Son and Grandson
Artist: Gabriella Leone
This is my friend Gabriella Leone who is an amazing, creative, and innovative artist who works in multi-media. Very talented.
The Voice (below) It was completed in 2011. It is a collage on metal and acrylics were used. It has been shown in juried galleries; North Hollywood, California.
The Voice (Click on to enlarge)
Gabriella, or Gabby as her friends call her also completed “Teddy Bear Friends,” a mixed media piece.
This work is currently showing all summer in a gallery in North Hollywood, California all summer until september. (below)
My Teddy Bear Friends (Click on to enlarge)
Dancing Woman (Nude) by Gabriella Leone (Click to Enlarge) This work was done in paper machete and spray painted.