Starting and Ending Our Adventure in Hanoi

Rarely has anywhere visited since leaving hospital work in 2014 moved me like the visit to Vietnam with Eric Kim Photography.  I found Eric to be a kindred spirit who has a great deal of knowledge while also being able to convey it in an amicable way.  I can honestly say that a friendship was sincerely made.  Here are more of the pleasing images.  

One of the most interesting things about Hanoi is the preponderance of motorbikes.  A whole family of 4 riding on one at the same time, side saddle mini-skirts, mothers nursing babies, all at the same time.  The motorbike is the mode of transportation and is used for almost any purpose.  And the streets at night, especially on holiday are jam packed!

The Many Faces of Riding
Two Women Riding
Husband and Wife Riding
Elder Riding
Flower Delivery
Bike Truck

People of Hanoi


Everywhere one looks there are people.

Some who are kindred and others who are not.

Some young, some old.

Some vividly attractive, and some not.

They all are here.

Human community.

Woman with Bag
Man at Stoop
What's he smokin'?
Street Nap
Money Man
Street Feet
Mall Men